5 Intense Home Workouts: Get a Sweat in 30min or Less

I’m going to give you 5 intense home workouts. Why? You ever have those days when you can’t make it to the gym? Maybe you got stuck at work or your kids needed you last minute? Then, you had no choice but to cancel your workout?

If so, you’re not alone, for it happens often.

When you can’t make it to the gym, your next best option is to workout at home.

But how do you workout at home? What exercises do you do? In what order do you do them? How many reps and sets?

In this article, I’ll answer those questions and more with 5 intense home workouts you can do with minimal equipment. They take 30min or less to complete and they’ll help you burn fat and build strength.

Before we get into the intense home workouts, let’s talk about equipment and why each piece is important.

Equipment for Your Home Workouts

First, it’s worth mentioning that you don’t need equipment. You can get a good workout with your own bodyweight, so you don’t have to break the bank to build your home gym. However, you will get bored because there’s only so much you can do with your bodyweight.

That’s why I highly recommend you purchase your own equipment. You can do more exercises, have more fun, and get strong. Plus, who doesn’t like it when a new package comes to your door *wink wink.*

Foam Roller

Foam rollers are a staple in a quality warmup. It improves your tissue quality, so you can reduce your risk for injury. Also, it feels like a massage but even better because you didn’t pay $100 for it.

The best foam roller on the market is the Rollga foam roller. The peaks and valleys allow you to reach areas you otherwise can’t with a flat roller. If you have never foam rolled before, buy the soft foam roller. If you’re an experienced foam roller, buy the standard or hard foam roller.

Here is an awesome foam rolling routine you can do with a Rollga foam roller.

Credit: Rollga

There are many other foam rolling exercise you can do, so search on YouTube how to foam roll adductors, lats, IT Band and more spots you think need attention.

Mini Band

Another tool for a quality warmup, mini bands are great for activating your glutes.

Perform Better makes the best mini bands. Grab the green mini band if you’re new to training. Pick the blue if you’re an intermediate or advanced trainee. The black is too heavy, so I wouldn’t bother getting it. Purchase 2-3 of the color you want because they break after many uses.

Here is my favorite mini band exercise for activating your glutes.

Lateral Band Walks

Credit: Tar Heel Perfromance

Resistance Band

Resistance bands are great for warmup and strength exercises, especially pulling exercises.

You can grab a set of 4 bands from Amazon for cheap.

Here are two of my favorite resistance band exercises you can do at home.

Supine Band Pullapart

Credit: Physiofitness Physical Therapy

Seated Band Rows

This woman is jacked. Credit: Hannah Eden


The kettlebell is the go-to strength-building tool for home workouts because you can do several exercises with one bell. Not to mention, they’re fun to use.

All you need is one kettlebell. If you’re a male, grab a 24kg. If you’re a female, a 20kg will work well.

You can purchase a kettlebell from Perform Better or Rogue if Perform Better is out of stock. It might seem like a big cost up-front, but I guarantee you will not regret it.

Below are some of my favorite kettlebell exercises you can do at home.

Goblet Squat

Credit: Onnit Academy

Reverse Lunge

Credit: Onnit Academy

DB Row

You can do this with a kettlebell.

The 5 Intense Home Workouts

Okay, you have all the equipment and you know what a few exercises look like. Now, it’s time to put it all together.

First, you will find a warmup you can do before every workout. Then, I’ll show you the 5 intense home workouts you can do with minimal equipment. Enjoy.

The Warmup

Do this warmup before every workout. It should take you less than 5min.

Foam Roll x 5-10 rolls each

  • Glutes
  • Hamstrings
  • Calves
  • Upper Back
  • Lower Back
  • Adductors
  • Quads


  • Lateral Band Walks x 10ea

Workout 1- The Basics

Workout 1 is straight forward. Do the exercises in the following order for 3-4 rounds.

  • Goblet Squat x 10
  • Split Squat x 10ea
  • 1KB Row x 10ea
  • 1-Leg Hip Lift x 10ea
  • Pushup x 10

Workout 2- 15min Density Circuit

Workout 2 is a density circuit. Set a timer for 15min and do as many good rounds as you can.

  • Jump Squat x 10
  • Alternating Reverse Lunge x 8ea
  • Seated Band Row x 8
  • 1KB Floor Press x 8ea
  • Side Plank x 15sec ea

Workout 3- 10-to-1 Countdown

Workout 3 is a 10-to-1 Countdown. For the first round, do 10 reps of each exercise. Then, for each subsequent round, do 1 less rep. For example, do 9 reps in the second round, then 8 reps in the third, etc. Go until you have 0 reps left.

  • Jump Squat
  • Goblet Squat

If you think this is underwhelming, you are mistaken.

Workout 4- 10min Density Circuit

Workout 4 is a density circuit similar to Workout 2. The difference is Workout 4 is 10min long with 3 simple exercises. Complete as many good rounds as you can within 10min.

  • Split Squat x 8ea
  • Pushup x 8
  • Bear Crawl x 10yds

Workout 5- High Volume

Workout 5 is high volume. In other words, there’s a lot of reps. Do this circuit for 3-4 rounds.

  • Goblet Squat x 15
  • 1KB Single-Leg Deadlift x 15ea
  • 1KB Floor Press x 15ea
  • Supine Band Pullapart x 20
  • Straight-Leg Situp x 15

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